
Saturday 16 March 2019

UNIVERSE | UPSC, SSC, IBPS, RRB, TNPSC And other states exams


Astronomy is a branch of science that recognizes objects, bodies, and composition of the objects. The universe is a word that refers to everything around us.

These include earth, moon, sky, sun, planets around the sun, space fishes, space particles between space fish, and starry groups beyond stars. Billion galaxies.

  •  The age of the universe is 13.73 billion years
  •  The universe is thought to be in a spherical shape.
  •  We have not seen the boundaries of the universe.
The origin of the universe

The following three principles illustrate the origin of the universe.

1) The Big Bang theory

2) Pulse theory

3) Position Change theory

1) The Big Bang theory 

According to the big explosion policy. Everything in the cosmos was like a dense hot flame. Due to the explosion of 20 million years ago, the matter was broken into small pieces, fragments, and thrown into galaxies in all directions. A series of actively driven galaxies will disappear over the border. As a result, the number of galaxies for a single unit is decreasing. Then there is nothing in the universe at one point.

2) Pulse theory 

The total mass of the universe. When more than a certain value. The expansion of the galaxies can be limited by the appeal of attractiveness. Then, the universe can again shrink. After a certain degree of shrinkage, the explosion will occur again. 8 billion years to expand and shrink. Therefore. Extending and shrinking will cause a sparkling universe.

3) Position Change theory

To fill the space of the galaxies that escape from one part of the universe. New stars are constantly generated from empty space. Therefore, according to this principle, the universe must have been the same as it is today. Moreover, the rate of expansion of the universe will remain unchanged in the future as it was in the past. So. The total number of constellations in the universe will remain unchanged.

Starry :

The gaseous galaxy is the most commonly spherical gaseous radiation capable of exhausting energy. A galaxy of multi-billion galaxies. Starry three types. These include,

(1) Double and polynomial stars

(2) Dynamic starry stars

(3) Light blossoms and charm bogs (novae and super novae)

Only a few stars, such as the Sun, are in the galaxy only. Most stars are either double stars or polynomial stars. The constant balance between the general gravitational center of the galaxy pads is called double stars. The brightness of the brightness of the galaxy will change.

Some starry days are suddenly getting very high in the dark and then diminish a bit. This type of starlight is called meshes. Larger brightness is called a peacemaker.

Night stars are named Sirius (Vytratha), Canopus (Agasti), Spika (Chitra), Arruras (Swati), Polaris (Durua). Next to the Sun, the galaxy is the Alpha Centauri.

Constellations :

Most stars, together with the sky groups, are in the form of animals or humans. These groups can be formatted as galaxies. The visible stars in the sky are divided into 88 forms of galaxies.

In the clear, inexpensive northern sky, a seven-star group of crews can be found in the form of a bear in the months of July and August. In this group, four stars are placed on the four corners of the bear, three stars in its tail, and some other pale stars in the foot and legs. The group is known as Ursa Major or Saptarishi or Great Bear. Orion, in the form of a starter hunter, and the turious (taurus) star.

Galaxy :

The galaxy is a set of numerous stars with gravitational gases and dust bones. Galaxies are multi-billion stars in nature. Some galaxies have fewer radiation radiation in exposure to the total mass. They are normal galaxies.

Most of us are near Andromeda  is a planetary star.

It is 2 × 10^6 light year away. (The lighting distance of the year is 9.467 × 10^12 km light year). Some galaxies are about million times as much as radio waves as compared to normal galaxies.

Milky Way galaxy :

Milky stream across the sky looks like a polar galaxy. Our galaxy of the Milky Way galaxy is a spiral of nature in spiral shape.

i) Shape and Size

The Milky Way galaxy is also found in the center of the bark. Its diameter is 10^5 light years.

At its thickness center is 5000 light years and the sun has 1000 light years and 500 light years on the edges. The sun is 27,000 light years away from the center of the galaxy.

ii) Interstellar matter

In the Milky Way galaxy, galaxies and gases are filled with galaxies. There is approximately 90% hydrogen in this sense.

iii) Clusters

Because of the gravitational force, the constellations in the galaxies are synchronized by galaxies. A galaxy cluster operates as a unified galaxy. The galactic cluster is a 100 to 1000 stars. The 10000-star cluster is a globular cluster.

iv) Rotation

The galaxies rotate around the center of the center. All the stars in the Milky Way galaxy are at the rate of about 300 million years at the center.

Our solar system, one of many stars, circulates the center of the Milky Way galaxy approximately 250 million years in the 250 km/s velocity.

v) Mass

The mass of the Milky Way galaxy is approximately 3 x10^41 kg is calculated.

^ means Powers of Ten

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